• [Star Coin Event] – Ends at 4 pm on May 24th.
    • Increase the chance of obtaining iridescent ships in Golden and Iridescent Loot boxes: BISMARCK [SP] in the Golden Loot Box and SHIMAKAZE SAKURA in the Iridescent Loot Box.
    • Opening Golden Loot boxes will give 100-star coins, and Iridescent will give 500-star coins.
    • Add 200-star coins into the weekly 1000 activities box.
    • Star coins will be converted to Free Exps by a 1:100 ratio after the event ends.
    • Players can buy iridescent ships, airships, and H42·LUMINOUS STRIKE (the camouflage of H42) with star coins. Please note that she won’t be in the loot box.
  • These packs are available in the shop:
    • Holiday resource pack.
    • Golden coupon pack (2 available).
    • Iridescent coupon pack (2 available).
    • Double iridescent coupon pack (1 available).
    • Rank Point pack (5 available).
    • PT pack (5 available).
  • All prism ships in the shop have a 15% off discount. All prism camouflages have a discount price of 1500 prims.
  • Increase the gems to free exp ratio to 1 gem: 270 free exp.
  • [Daily Challenge] – For two weeks.
    The reward is a British Destroyer ANZAC. The ship will be available in the shop for gems after the event ends.
    Players can obtain PTs from the daily 150 activity box, weekly arena reward, PT packs, and special stage.
  • Adjust the sky on most of the PVP maps.
  • H42·LUMINOUS STRIKE is available in the camo shop and has a discount price of 1500 prims before the star coin event ends.
  • Sister ship of British Carrier IMPLACABLE is available in her research tab.
  • Reset all first-charge gem packs.
  • Add SOUTH DAKOTA into the arena pool.
  • Fix some minor issues on the camouflage of LIAONING.


Star Coin Event

Star coin is a rare, time-limited currency. It can be used to buy special ships (including the new H42 Luminous Strike) and decorations in the shop. Star coin is obtainable from opening loot boxes and regular weekly mission. Looking at the price of items sold in the shop, there’s almost no chance for regular players to get them. So this event is mostly for people to spend money. But since this is not a P2W game, spending money for this is not worth it. However, keep in mind that star coin is time-limited. After the event ends, it will be automatically converted to free exp.

Daily Challenge Event

For two weeks, there’s a daily challenge in Battle -> Special Stage. It can be done alone or in a team of four. It’s relatively easy. You can enter the stage once or twice per day (more if you spend gems to recharge). The easiest ship to use in this event is H42, but you can use any other high tier ship since it’s easy. The main reward is a new tier 8.9 destroyer, Anzac.

New Ship HMS Anzac

Anzac is part of Battle-class destroyer, just like Trafalgar in tier 8. Anzac is the third generation of Battle-class, and it has some improvements over Trafalgar. The main differences are main gun reload (Anzac’s main gun has the fastest reload among British 113 mm guns) and the amount of torpedoes (Anzac has 10 torpedoes). By having good concealment, guns, speed, and torpedoes, it might be a decent hybrid destroyer. It can be a torpedo threat while also can gun down enemy DDs. It’s still not as good as a pure gunboat or pure torpedoboat in their respective roles. Anzac is obtainable from Daily Challenge event for now, but might be sold for rank point in the future. So if you want to get it, play the event now. Don’t wait until the event ends because the price might be very high afterwards.

New Sky

The skies on most PVP maps have been reworked. The most noticeable differences are they look cleaner and the sun is more visible. I have no problem with previous sky art, but this change is nice. It somehow makes the ocean and island vegetations look better too.

Discount on Prism Ships

For two weeks, there’s a 15% discount on prism ships. This is a nice discount for those who wants to buy prism ships. Prism ship won’t guarantee victory, so make sure if you want to buy something you know how to use it. Read our Battleship Reviews and Cruiser Reviews before you buy a ship.

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