Battleship is the backbone of the team. Learn what they’re capable of so you can carry your team easier.


Each ship has different characteristics which influences its playstyle. In this review we only mention the general playstyle of each ship. It doesn’t mean you must play it strictly like that. Battle situation and your skill have more influence on how you should play your ship. Ship’s ratings may constantly changing due to fact there’s a silent nerfs or buffs implemented each updates.

Ratings are based on overall performance in an averaged battle setting, compared to ships on its own MMweight. Please note that ship performance can change a lot depending on battle situation. Also, the player will often fight other ship classes or tiers. Readers are advised not to blindly choose a ship based on the rating alone, but instead use this article to enhance your knowledge on each ship’s abilities.

Ratings are as follows: S-A-B-C-D from the best to worse performance. S rating is only given to ships that are very easy to use, excel in many situations that are often found in current meta, and have huge impact on battle. A is strong. B is balanced. C is bad (but still tolerable). D is only for ships that are really bad and requires a lot of effort just to achieve an average performance.

Arena and PVP ratings are different because the meta is different. Arena consists of 7v7 players, which means more potential incoming damage and battles are often conducted at long range. Ships with good long-range combat ability usually rank higher in arena. On the other hand, ships with good short range combat ability usually rank higher in PVP.

Reviews and ratings are highly subjective. Your skill and understanding have more impact on battle performance. If you play well, even with D-rated ship you can sink a clueless S-rated ship player and top the scoreboard.


General playstyle means the preferred way a ship engages enemy ships. The cruiser can perform really well if played according to its preferred playstyle. However, battle situation may not always be in your favor, and that’s when the player’s skill and judgement come into play. Whether disengaging to choose better position or hold the position to help the team, a good player must decide it carefully.

  • Sniping: shoots at long range targets.
  • Angling: a defensive position by making the ship sails at an angle to the enemy ship.
  • Kiting: fighting by showing the stern to the opponent and angle it in a way that still allows the ship to fire a full salvo. A position as if going to run away but actually for delaying enemy’s push.
  • Pushing: advancing towards the enemy’s formation.
  • Bowtanking: pointing the bow of the ship towards the enemy.
  • Brawling: fighting in close combat.
  • Flanking: position the ship to attack the enemy from their side.
  • Ambushing: approaches the enemy ship undetected (using concealment or island), then when the enemy shows broadside immediately attack for maximum damage.
  • Broadsiding: the position that shows most of the side of the ship so it’s easy for the opponent to aim for the citadel or inflict a lot of damage.


Japanese battleships have big caliber guns but short damage control cooldown and low agility.



French battleships have fast speed and unique consumables.



Soviet battleships have hard-hitting guns and WW2-style hulls while Russian Empire battleships have a lot of guns packed on small WW1-style hulls.



British battleships have unique gun characteristics, good agility, and amazing acceleration.



American battleships have strong guns and high AA stats.


German battleships have big size and strong close combat ability.


Italian battleships have high velocity guns, slow reload, and good maneuverability.


Author: Arisudev
Contributors: Denim, Cathood

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