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Gascogne has 2×4 380 mm guns in a front-rear configuration. The caliber is low but it has high initial shell velocity, fast reload, and good accuracy. It doesn’t do a lot of damage in a single salvo, but it can reliably hit the enemy – steadily chipping their HP wherever they go. Its performance falls if it has to bowtank and push because it can only use half of its already low firepower. On the other hand, it can be used for kiting comfortably. It has good HE that can burn any enemy.

Gascogne has bad side armor that can be easily citadeled at close range. At medium to long range it’s less prone to get citadeled, but still takes a lot of penetration damage if broadside. Showing broadside should always be avoided.

Gascogne has the fastest speed in its MMweight. In addition to its already fast speed, it also has engine overload consumable. Even though the rudder shift and turning radius is not as good as other ships, by having fast speed Gascogne can keep a decent level of maneuverability. Gascogne can zip around the map and easily control the engagement. With enough skill, the player can use it to create crossfires and terrorize the enemy from different angles. Engine overload also helps it retreat when under focused fire.


Gascogne is often used as a sniper. High shell velocity, long range, and good accuracy makes it a good sniper. The damage per salvo is lower than other battleships, but Gascogne can constantly hit the enemy. Gascogne is also fast and maneuverable, which makes it capable of dodging incoming shells easily. This gives Gascogne a clear advantage over ships that has higher caliber but slower in other aspects.

Another way to play Gascogne is at the flank, using engine booster to quickly get to a position that creates crossfire. If there are too many enemies, Gascogne can just stay at medium range and kite the enemy to death. Always observe the enemy’s position. Use its fast speed to quickly change position in case you spot an opportunity to counterattack or you need to retreat. If you already have a good position, stay there and keep your ship angled. As usual, shoot AP at broadsiding enemy and HE to angled enemy. Unfortunately when it comes to actually pushing the enemy, Gascogne can’t do it very well and should rely on other ships to lead the formation. Bowtanking will significantly reduce its firepower and the enemy can easily counter it.

Is it worth to buy?

Gascogne is a speedy battleship but relies on its team to do damage. It provides a unique experience among other battleships and can be very fun to play.

Gascogne is a tech tree ship. In order to get it you just need several week of grinding Lyon. No need to spend money.

High initial shell velocity, good accuracy, fast reload, good range, very fast speed, has engine booster, has fighter planes.
Bad penetration, low damage, bad side armor.
General playstyle
Flanking, kiting, sniping
Preferred fighting range
Medium to long range

Recommended Build

Slot 1: adv. disaster retardant module
Slot 2: engine enhancement module
Slot 3: aiming system module
Slot 1: elite damage control
Slot 2: elite repair
Slot 3: elite engine overload
Crew Skills (after basic skill)
Captain: artillery warning – boost morale – hull protection
Gun: crack gunner – high speed aiming – burn the ship behind
Engine: quick shift – adv. quick shift – steering master
Damage control: emergency flooding – buoyancy reserve – extinguish

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