Soviet / Russia



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Tech Tree

Arena rating

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Ingermanland boasts a massive array of guns: 16 406 mm guns in 4×4 composition. This is the epitome of Russian Empire’s dream. However, being a World War 1 design, the guns have low performance. It has the same AP as Nakhimov (slow shell velocity, bad penetration, low damage per shell). The problem is, battleships at top tier has significantly better armor. Ingermanland’s AP often fails to citadel a broadsiding battleship at short range. Fortunately, it has more guns and better accuracy than Nakhimov. Ingermanland can inflict a decent amount of penetration damage. Ingermanland has better firing angle than Nakhimov which makes it safer when firing full salvo. The large number of guns also means it’s a potent fire starter. If you’re not sure what you should do, just spam HE. Ingermanland is one of the best HE spammer in the game.

Ingermanland has weak side armor, but it has small size which makes it hard to hit. Ingermanland’s good maneuverability helps it survive for a long time. It has slow speed, but at top tier there are many battleships that are as slow. Ingermanland has decent concealment, which can be an advantage over its competitors because it can sneak up and position itself properly before firing a full salvo to the enemy’s broadside. In rare cases, Ingermanland can be the team’s spotter. Ingermanland has worse AA than MMweight 7.0 ships. It’s free real estate for CVs.


At the start of the battle, sail to the flank. It’s not as fast as a flanker (example, French BBs) but it can sail more forward than other battleships due to its good concealment. When the enemies are spotted but not broadsiding, let your teammates shoot first. You wait until the enemy is broadsiding. When the enemy finally turns broadside, punish them with your massive amount of guns. Make a crossfire with your teammates that are already at the flank.

When there are no more enemies that are broadsiding, switch to HE. The effective range for Ingermanland is less than 18 km. Farther than that, the slow shell velocity will make aiming very hard. Only snipe if you have enough experience. If you’re not detected, don’t shoot unless you need to finish off a low HP enemy. Don’t push too far and always prepare to turn around in case your flank is overrun by the enemy. Ingermanland is not a good tank because of bad armor and only 1 gun at the front. If possible, ask your teammates to tank for it.

If the enemy’s firepower is superior, turn around and use kiting position. Angle your ship’s stern towards the enemy. Ingermanland can shoot all guns easier when kiting than when pushing.

Is it worth to buy?

Ingermanland is a small battleship with a lot of guns. The AP is effective unlike its predecessor (Admiral Nakhimov). The HE is also pretty strong. It’s a good ship, but lack of tankiness sometimes makes it unable to help the team when they need to push.

Ingermanland is a tech tree ship, which means you just have to grind it. No need to spend money. The playstyle is similar to Navarino. If you like Navarino, you can grind this ship.

Good fire chance, large number of guns, decent accuracy, good concealment, good maneuverability, small size.
Bad AP penetration, slow shell velocity, low damage per shell, bad armor, slow speed, horrible AA, no fighter plane.
General playstyle
Ambush, kiting
Preferred fighting range
Medium range

Recommended Build

Slot 1: adv. disaster retardant module
Slot 2: engine enhancement module
Slot 3: aiming system module
Slot 1: elite damage control
Slot 2: elite repair
Crew Skills (after basic skill)
Captain: artillery warning – boost morale – hull protection
Gun: crack gunner – high speed aiming – burn the ship behind
Engine: quick shift – adv. quick shift – steering master
Damage control: emergency flooding – buoyancy reserve – extinguish

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