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Arena rating

PVP rating

Joan of Arc is the premium, upgraded version of Alsace. It has 3×4 380 mm guns that has high accuracy and fast reload. Combined with quick load battery consumable, it can punish broadsiding enemies heavily. Even shots at the superstructures of bowtanking battleships can deal a respectable amount of damage. However, at long-range the air resistance is high which makes the shells slow down and reduce the AP penetration. Quite often, at 20km range Joan’s AP can’t even penetrate the broadside of other battleships. Whenever the AP is not effective, it’s recommended to switch to HE. Joan’s HE is very good and can burn enemies easily (although not as good as Montana or Temeraire).

Joan has weak side armor, slightly weaker than Alsace. Joan is very vulnerable when broadsiding. Even when angling, Joan is easier to get citadeled than Alsace. Weak side armor also makes it suffer more when kiting. Joan is prone to fires just like Alsace. Any kind of damage is more pronounced in Joan because it only has 3 repairs and low HP pool to begin with. Joan’s repair capacity is the lowest of all high tier battleships.

Joan’s weak survivability is compensated by its agility. Joan is a fast battleship and can turn quickly. Joan has better turret firing angle than Alsace, which makes maneuvering while shooting all guns easier. Joan is also pretty small compared to most high tier battleships. Joan can equip engine overload consumable if you prefer it to quick load battery consumable. Both consumables are good. Choose one that suits your playstyle.


Joan is often used as the backbone of the team. It can lead the push, create crossfires, and has strong guns that can finish off the enemy. Just like Alsace, Joan is a good flanker. Use its fast speed and activate engine overload consumable, sail to a flank and shoot the enemy from their side. If that fails, activate the engine overload again and change position. Always try to find a good position where you can create a crossfire. If you already have a good position, stay there and keep your ship angled. Joan is not a weak ship that needs to run away all the time.

When fighting at close range, always keep your ship angled or bowtank. A bowtanking Joan is pretty strong. Use HE if the enemy is bowtanking, AP if the enemy is broadsiding. Try to find an opportunity to pass by and encircle the enemy. Joan’s fast turret rotation speed makes it capable of locking on to the target even when turning. This ability is rare among high tier battleships. Sometimes, Joan can outmaneuver and shoot at the enemy’s broadside while the enemy hasn’t even turned their guns yet. However, this maneuver is risky because at some point you will give broadside to the enemy. Do it when you still have a lot of HP, preferably with engine overload consumable active.

If the situation doesn’t favor aggressive playstyle (for example too many enemies on your flank), just stay back. Kite the enemy from medium range but don’t run away unless you’re on low health. Joan can burn enemies quite nicely. Pay attention to the enemy’s formation. If the enemy overextend, use your fast speed to reposition and make a crossfire. Such versatility is what makes Joan good in team battles.

If you’re forced to fight at long range (for example, arena), sail to the flank and snipe from there. HE is often more useful than AP, unless the enemies are broadsiding. Try to find cover behind island if you’re under focused fire. Island can also be used as a concealment for ambushing the enemy later. You don’t need to shoot if you’re not detected. Finding a good position first is more important. A good position is a position that creates crossfire with your teammates and has decent amount of open water to maneuver. With a good position, you can farm more broadsiding enemies.

Is it worth to buy?

Joan is one of the best PVP ship in its MMweight. However, low caliber and survivability is probably not to everyone’s liking. If you like Alsace and want a better version of it, buy Joan.

Joan of Arc is a gem ship. You need to save gems from daily missions and events in order to buy it. No need to spend money.

Fast reload, large number of guns, high initial shell velocity, good accuracy, fast turret rotation speed. Can choose between reload booster or engine booster. Good maneuverability. Fast speed. Good AA. Has fighter planes.
Low caliber guns. Bad penetration at long range. Only 3 repairs. Low base HP. Bad side armor.
General playstyle
Pushing, bowtanking, kiting, flanking
Preferred fighting range
Short to medium range

Recommended Build

Slot 1: adv. disaster retardant module
Slot 2: engine enhancement module
Slot 3: aiming system module
Slot 1: elite damage control
Slot 2: elite repair
Slot 3: elite quick load battery or elite engine overload
Crew Skills (after basic skill)
Captain: artillery warning – boost morale – hull protection
Gun: crack gunner – high speed aiming – burn the ship behind
Engine: quick shift – adv. quick shift – steering master
Damage control: emergency flooding – buoyancy reserve – extinguish

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