United States of America (USA)



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Massachusetts belongs to South Dakota class battleships, which is basically an improved North Carolina class. It’s more compact and supposed to be better protected, while still within the displacement limit of Washington Naval Treaty. Massachusetts has the same gun layout as North Carolina: 3×3 406 mm guns.

Unlike North Carolina, Massachusetts has two gun options even though the difference is only in the AP performance. The first gun option has the same characteristics as North Carolina. It has very slow AP shell velocity, but very strong when hit. If you’re familiar with North Carolina, you’ll understand how hard to aim with those guns. The second gun option has faster AP shell velocity and reload, but lower penetration and damage. This option is more suitable for long range combat. The damage per hit is low, but at least the player can aim easier. The shell velocity is still slow though compared to its competitors. Massachusetts has strong HE performance and high accuracy, just like North Carolina. If you want to read more about North Carolina’s guns, read here.

Massachusetts has unique armor layout. It has weak bow armor that can be overmatched by 380 mm guns from direct front. However, when angled, Massachusetts is pretty solid. The citadel is better protected than North Carolina. Massachusetts player should always angle the ship. Do not bowtank.

Massachusetts is relatively small and has good maneuverability to help it survive longer. The speed is slow. The surface detectability is decent. The AA is great; better than most higher tier battleships.


Pick the first gun option for PVP. The second gun option is for arena. At the start of the battle, sail to a flank. Observe the enemy team. If your team’s firepower in your flank is superior, push together with your teammates. Always angle your ship and keep maneuvering. Don’t bowtank and don’t show broadside. Even though it has slow shell velocity, fighting at close range is not recommended. A slight mistake in angling (too much broadside or too straight) will get you citadeled. The ideal engagement range is 10-13 km for the first gun option, up to 16 km for the second gun option.

If the enemy’s firepower is superior, don’t push. Angle away and kite the enemy. Keep more than 12 km distance, shoot HE and burn the enemy. Switch to AP if the enemy is broadsiding. Massachusetts is one of the best battleships for kiting because it has good side armor, tight turning radius, and strong guns.

In a battle with CVs in play, most of the time it turns to a long range battle. Massachusetts will suffer because of slow shell velocity. However, its strong AA will be a deterrent to below average CV players. If you see the enemy CV is a noob, you can try to play more aggressively (but don’t rush). Also, try to sail together with your teammates so you can cover them with your AA. Your damage output might be low compared to sniper ships, but there’s a chance that you can be useful for your team.

Is it worth to buy?

Massachusetts is a good ship but situational. It’s tricky to use and quite punishing if the player made a mistake.

Massachusetts is a gem ship. To get it, you just need to save gems from daily missions and events. There’s no need to spend money.

This ship is not recommended for new players. If you have a lot of gems, better spend it on other gem ships.

Gun mod 1: good penetration, good damage.
Gun mod 2: fast reload.
Good accuracy, good side armor, good maneuverability, good concealment, good AA, has fighter planes.
Gun mod 1: very slow AP shell velocity.
Gun mod 2: slow AP shell velocity, bad penetration, low damage.
Bad bow armor, slow speed.
General playstyle
Preferred fighting range
Medium range

Recommended Build

Slot 1: adv. disaster retardant module
Slot 2: engine enhancement module
Slot 3: aiming system module
Slot 1: elite damage control
Slot 2: elite repair
Crew Skills (after basic skill)
Captain: artillery warning – boost morale – hull protection
Gun: crack gunner – high speed aiming – burn the ship behind
Engine: quick shift – adv. quick shift – steering master
Damage control: emergency flooding – buoyancy reserve – extinguish

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