United States of America (USA)



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Missouri is an Iowa-class battleship. Missouri is the only battleship that has AA evasion consumable. This consumable drastically reducing the accuracy of all enemies shooting at this ship for a long period. When timed correctly, it can save this ship by allowing it to retreat safely. Beware that if someone uses “clear target” they can still hit this ship as long as their aim is good. Missouri can also equip radar instead of AA evasion, but most of the time it’s not good (radar in this game has almost no purpose except for rough estimate of enemy position). Read here for more information about ship consumables.

Missouri has two gun options. The first gun option is the same as Iowa’s: good penetration, good damage, but slow shell velocity. The second gun option has faster AP shell velocity but worse penetration and damage. Generally, the first gun is better in PVP. However, if you like to play at longer range, the second gun option is worth to try.

Missouri has to show a lot of broadside to fire all guns due to bad firing angle. During an intense situation, it’s often better to just bowtank the enemy and don’t use the third gun at all. Missouri has great concealment. It can ambush enemies and then disappear again. Missouri’s secondaries have standard performance, unlike Iowa that has improved penetration and range.

Missouri has very fast speed for a battleship (33 knots). It also has cruiser-level acceleration. It can chase enemies, dictate engagements, and retreat safely. Missouri’s rudder shift time has been buffed and it’s now much more agile than Iowa. Still, the player must be careful when maneuvering because the side armor is very weak (weaker than Iowa). If the player doesn’t angle properly, Missouri can be easily citadeled. Unlike Iowa, Missouri only has 3 repairs and doesn’t have engine overload consumable.

Along with Iowa, Missouri has the best AA among battleships in its MMweight. Because it has AA evasion consumable that can disrupt enemy plane’s formation, Missouri has a bigger chance of survival in a CV battle. However, the CV player can just wait until the AA evasion consumable deactivates to farm it.


For regular PVP, it’s recommended to use the first gun option. At long range its performance falls due to slow shell velocity, but at medium to close range it’s much easier to aim and the guns pack a good punch. Keep in mind that brawling at close range is risky because of bad side armor and big turning radius. Stay at 10-15 km from the enemy (longer if the enemy is a German battleship). Never show broadside. A Missouri player must be very careful before committing to an attack. If you’re not sure how to approach the enemy ship, just point your bow straight at it. If there are too many enemies attacking you or you want to turn back, activate the AA evasion consumable. This consumable has long duration and can be used as a substitute to repair consumable.

Missouri has good bow armor so it can be used for pushing and capturing base. Missouri is best used for pushing together with teammates to destroy the enemy flank. Fast speed and good concealment means it can easily create crossfires. It’s recommended to sail beside an island to cover its weak side armor.

In arena, using the second gun option is recommended. It has faster shell velocity which makes hitting long range targets easier. The damage is low, but it’s better than not hitting anything. Only use the first gun option if you’re experienced enough and have good aim. With its amazing acceleration, you can dodge enemy’s shells just by changing your speed regularly.

Most CV battles are conducted at long range. In a CV battle, the second gun option is better. Always pick AA evasion consumable. Use the AA evasion consumable when the CV planes are within 4 km of your ship. If you see the enemy CV is a noob, you can try to play more aggressively (but don’t rush). Also, try to sail together with your teammates so you can cover them with your AA. Your damage output might be low compared to sniper ships, but you can be useful for your team.

In battles with a lot of DDs or stealthy cruisers, radar is more useful than AA evasion. Radar can prevent you from being ambushed and help ally ships to find and shoot the enemy. There are several situations when you need to use radar consumable:

  • When you’re detected but can’t see who is spotting you.
  • When you’re approaching a capture base or a position that has high potential to contain an enemy DD.
  • When you’re moving together with your ally DD to survey the area in front of him.
  • When there’s a smokescreen laid down by the enemy in front of you.
  • When you’re moving past an island and not sure what enemy ship is behind that island.

Is it worth to buy?

Missouri is essentially an Iowa but has the potential to be played at longer range (Iowa is better for close range). Missouri has unique consumables that can be useful for the team and itself. With cooperative teammates it can be really strong.

Missouri is a free exp ship. You just need to grind for several months to get it. There’s no need to spend money. If you like Iowa, you should get this ship.

Gun mod 1: good penetration, good damage.
Gun mod 2: fast shell velocity, fast reload.
Good accuracy, can choose between radar and AA evasion consumable, good speed, good maneuverability, good acceleration, good AA, has fighter planes.
Gun mod 1: slow shell velocity.
Gun mod 2: bad penetration, low damage.
Bad turret firing angle, only 3 repairs, bad side armor, big size.
General playstyle
Pushing, bowtanking, flanking
Preferred fighting range
Medium range

Recommended Build

Slot 1: adv. disaster retardant module
Slot 2: engine enhancement module or steering gears enhancement module
Slot 3: aiming system module
Slot 1: elite damage control
Slot 2: elite repair
Slot 3: adv. AA evasion
Crew Skills (after basic skill)
Captain: artillery warning – boost morale – hull protection
Gun: crack gunner – high speed aiming – burn the ship behind
Engine: quick shift – adv. quick shift – steering master
Damage control: emergency flooding – buoyancy reserve – extinguish

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