
Soviet / Russia



Obtain Method
Tech Tree

Arena rating

PVP rating

Pr21 is a Soviet battleship project that has similar structure to the British Nelson-class battleships. Pr21 has 3×3 406 mm guns, all at the front. The third gun can’t shoot forward and backward. But because it has the same rotation axis as the other front guns, it’s much faster to swing the third turret if the targets are at the front. The accuracy is good, it’s very consistent even at long range. However, the terrible firing angle of the third turret often makes it useless. In order to use the third turret, the ship must sail at more than 45 degrees angle. This exposes the citadel too much. The shell velocity is slow, so it’s hard fight at long range either.

Pr21 has decent frontal armor, but terrible side armor and huge citadel. Even if it’s angled, there’s a high risk of being citadeled. The absence of back guns also makes it hopeless if the enemy ambushes it from the back. Pr21 has excellent rudder shift, but terrible turning circle radius (940 m) and slow speed (29 knots).


Pr21 should stay at medium range. The ideal fighting range is between 8 km and 14 km. Don’t get closer than that because the enemy can outmaneuver and hit your citadel. If enemy is longer than 14 km and you’re not detected, you don’t need to shoot unless your aiming skill is good.

Find an island that can cover your weak side armor. Hide behind it. Position yourself so that you only fight one enemy at a time, and the enemy is right in front of you. Bowtank all the time and forget the third gun exists. If possible, ask your teammate to cover the flank so the enemy can’t rush you. Pr21 is good at tanking as long as the enemy is directly ahead. If you’re under focused fire or the enemy is trying to brawl you, reverse to hide behind the island.

If you already have good crew skills and you’re more experienced than average players, you can use Pr21 in open water, flanking the enemy. As long as there’s no enemy shooting at you, you can show a bit of broadside and fire all your guns. If the enemy shoots you, point your bow towards the enemy. If the enemy stops shooting, turn and fire all your guns again. Repeat that process until the range is too short for an effective maneuver (usually less than 10 km). At short range, bowtank until the enemy is dead or you’re dead.

If there’s an enemy behind you, position your ship perpendicular to it and just run away. Point your stern directly to the enemy. Don’t angle and don’t kite. Your turret firing angle is terrible. You’ll get citadeled before you can fire your guns. Ask your ally to help you. If there isn’t any ally, just resign.

Is it worth to buy?

Pr21 is a weak and inflexible ship. A terrible choice for new players and even veterans have a hard time using it. Pr21 is a tech tree ship, which means you just have to grind it. No need to spend money. The continuation of the Soviet line, Pr23 and Pr24, are pretty good. If you have a lot of unused free exp, you can use them to skip Pr21.

Good accuracy, good rudder shift, decent AA, has fighter planes.
Slow shell velocity, bad turret firing angle, bad armor, easily get set on fire, bad turning radius, bad concealment, slow speed.
General playstyle
Pushing, bowtanking
Preferred fighting range
Medium range

Recommended Build

Slot 1: adv. disaster retardant module
Slot 2: engine enhancement module
Slot 3: aiming system module
Slot 1: elite damage control
Slot 2: elite repair
Crew Skills (after basic skill)
Captain: artillery warning – boost morale – hull protection
Gun: crack gunner – burn the ship behind – high speed aiming
Engine: quick shift – adv. quick shift – steering master
Damage control: emergency flooding – buoyancy reserve – extinguish

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