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Vittorio Veneto is a Littorio-class battleship of the Regia Marina (Italian Navy). During World War II, Veneto participated in plenty of combats. Veneto has nine 381 mm guns in 3×3 configuration. The damage per shell is really good, even better than some 406 mm guns in higher tier BBs. The dispersion pattern is horizontal, so it’s good for hitting broadsiding enemies but bad against bowtanking enemies. The accuracy is actually pretty good and remained consistent at long range. The penetration of both AP and HE is great. The shell velocity is very fast with little air resistance. The main downside is reload. Veneto has the slowest reload of all battleships in the game. Veneto’s guns can deliver large chunks of damage at long range, but at short range many ships can outgun it.

The forward firing angle is excellent. Veneto just needs to angle a bit and it can already fire all guns. However, the backward firing angle is terrible. Veneto must show almost full broadside to fire all guns if the enemy is at the back.

Veneto’s armor is very resistant to cruiser-caliber shells compared to other BBs which makes it a top pick in arena battles with a lot of cruisers. Unfortunately, the side armor is weak so it’s hard to fight when being rushed by enemies. It also has high freeboard which means the enemy can hit it easily.

Veneto has terrible AA. This hinders Veneto’s performance in CV battles, but if the enemy CV ignores it Veneto can deliver a lot of damage.


Veneto should stay at the center back and snipe the enemies that are moving to the flank. Point your bow towards the enemy. Angle a bit so you can fire all guns. At this position, you can make a crossfire with your teammates at the flank. Punish any broadsiding enemy with your strong AP. Change your speed and position if needed.

Always observe the situation. If there’s a flank that needs help, you can go there and help. Veneto has good frontal armor so it can tank, although by doing so it will significantly reduce its firepower. If possible, keep an island between you and the majority of enemy ships so you don’t get too focused. In any case, do not show broadside. Just point your bow towards the enemy. Reverse to hide behind the island if you’re on low health.

In a CV battle, sail together with your teammates so they can protect you with their AA. Be patient and wait for a good opportunity. In a CV battle, bowtanking is not recommended. You need to be able to retreat anytime. Speed juke to dodge shells. Stay at more than 16 km away.

Is it worth to buy?

Veneto is a prism ship. To get it, you need to spend money. It’s worth to buy if you like sniping and more arena-oriented. If you’re PVP-oriented, it’s better to go for Tirpitz or Richelieu instead. Keep in mind that this is not a pay-to-win game. Prism ship doesn’t guarantee that you’ll be doing well. If you make mistakes, even lower tier ships can sink you easily.

Fast shell velocity, good accuracy, good AP and HE penetration, good damage, good forward firing angle of the third gun, good bow armor, high flood chance resistance, has fighter planes.
Slow reload, bad backward firing angle, bad side armor, slow rudder shift time, bad AA.
General playstyle
Sniping, pushing, flanking
Preferred fighting range
Medium to long range

Recommended Build

Slot 1: adv. disaster retardant module
Slot 2: engine enhancement module
Slot 3: aiming system module
Slot 1: elite damage control
Slot 2: elite repair
Crew Skills (after basic skill)
Captain: artillery warning – boost morale – hull protection
Gun: crack gunner – high speed aiming – burn the ship behind
Engine: quick shift – adv. quick shift – steering master
Damage control: emergency flooding – buoyancy reserve – extinguish

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