Every ship has 4-5 officers called crews that can increase the ship’s abilities in various ways. Those crews are captain, gun officer, engine officer, damage control officer, and chief torpedoman. Crew management is not hard, but there are a lot of details that the game doesn’t explain. Worry not, here we will explain them to you.

If you want to read more about how each crew skill works and which ones are the priority to train, click here.

Crew Skill Training

Regular Training

The regular way to train a crew is by playing the ship. A crew’s proficiency point increases by 25% of ship exp gained per battle (20% if the ship has 5 crews). For example, if in one battle you gain 3000 ship exp, your crew will gain around 750 proficiency points (600 points if the ship has 5 crews).


For bigger exp gain (and therefore quicker training), it’s recommended to equip a flag, ship decoration, harbor decoration, channel flag, and ship camouflage. These items give bonuses per battle.

Premium ships usually gives more exp than tech tree ships. If you use a premium ship quite often, consider transferring your crews to that premium ship.

Arena battles gives an additional exp bonus, called Crew Exp. It can be used to train crews in intensive training.

Intensive Training

In the Crew List window, click the “Intensive Training” button.

There, you can exchange crew exp (green hexagon) and free exp (yellow star) to proficiency points. This will instantly increase your crew’s proficiency. However, you have to remember that those currencies are hard to get. If you want to spend them to train a crew, make sure it’s going to be worth the investment.

Free exp can be obtained after any battle but the rate is very low. Free exp can be used to grind tech tree ships, buy some premium ships, and train crews. It’s a rare currency so use it wisely.

Transferring Crews to Other Ships

Step-by-step Guide

It’s possible to transfer crews to another ship, as long as it’s from the same type (battleship crews to another battleship). To transfer a crew from ship A to ship B, you must remove him from ship A, remove a crew from ship B, and choose the crew from the barrack.

Choose the ship that you want to transfer the crew from. In the Crew List window, click “remove” to move the crew from the ship to the barrack. Don’t click “dismiss” because it deletes the crew.

After that, choose the destination ship. In the Crew List window, click “remove” to remove a crew from the same slot as the previous ship’s crew. You will be shown a list of available crews. Choose the previous ship’s crew.

If you’re transferring to a tech tree ship, you will need to retrain the crew. You can choose to pay with gold or gem to make retraining faster. If you don’t want to pay, you can pick the bottom option but your crew will be starting at 50% proficiency.


In the Crew List window, there’s a “Barrack” button on the bottom right corner. If you click it, you will see all crews that you have whether they’re already assigned to a ship or not. Sometimes the barrack is full and you need to dismiss some crews. If you want to dismiss a crew, make sure it’s a low proficiency crew that’s not currently assigned to any ship. Choose carefully because a dismissed crew can’t be recalled. Most of the time, you don’t need this feature anyway. Just assign all crews to ships and don’t leave them in the barrack.

Training with Premium Ships

As already mentioned above, transferring crews from a tech tree ship to a premium ship can be a good way to train them faster. Premium ships have bigger exp bonus per battle. There’s no price to pay when you transfer crews to a premium ship and they immediately get 100% proficiency on their basic skills. This also mean you can immediately choose what additional skills to train. You can view the amount of bonuses on the ship description.

If you click the “Special Attributes” button, you can also see the amount of bonuses as well as other unique properties of your ship. Some premium ships have crews that can ignore ship type, and the description can be seen here. “Crews can ignore ship type” means they can be transferred to ships of different types (for example, cruiser to battleship or destroyer).

Arena Configuration


Normally, all crew skills. However, in arena there’s an additional setup to be done. Arena rank limits the number of crew skills (aside from basic skills) that the player can use. At low rank you can only use 1 skill per crew but you will be able to use more skills as your rank gets higher. You have to set which skill is the first skill you can use, and then the second, third, fourth, and fifth (maximum 5 skills per crew are allowed in arena). If you don’t set them up, you won’t be able to use any crew skill except the basic skill.

If your crew doesn’t have any specialty/skill with 100% proficiency, you can’t use this feature and you will only be able to use basic skills in arena.

If you already have one or multiple 100% proficiency skills, you can set them up for arena by clicking the “Effective sequence of skills in arena” button in the Crew List window.

Configuring the Sequence of Skills

The “Effective sequence of skills in arena” window will open. Click the most important skill for your ship (read here for more information about crew skills) then click skill 1. This ensures that when you enter arena, the most important skill is always available to you. Fill the rest of skill slots according to importance degree. As you climb the ranks, you will be able to unlock more skills. Repeat this process for other crews.

Click the X button if you want to remove a skill or rearrange it. When you’re done, click “Confirm”. Don’t worry, you can always change the sequence again later.

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