United Kingdom (UK)



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Edinburgh is very similar to its sister ship in the tech tree, Belfast. The main difference is it has MAP ammunition. If you’re not sure what MAP is, read this article. Edinburgh has good surface detectability and sometimes it becomes the top pick for capturing bases in battles without destroyers. The armor is decent unlike other British light cruisers. Combined with smokescreen and small size, it’s hard to sink this ship. It also has a wide range of consumable choice. You can choose one that suits your playstyle.


Edinburgh has fast reload but short range and terrible accuracy. The damage output is low because more than half of the shells fired will miss. However, it has MAP instead of AP. MAP can penetrate and inflict damage to any ship at any angle. This ammunition nullifies the major weakness of other British light cruisers: they can’t do anything if the enemy is bowtanking. Sometimes it can even citadel BBs. This means Edinburgh is a good ship for kiting. However, against broadsiding targets, AP is still better. So while Edinburgh is more flexible, Belfast is still better at shooting broadsiding enemies. With good positioning, Belfast can have higher DPM than Edinburgh. The HE performance is terrible, so we can forget it.

The best position for Edinburgh is around capture bases and islands. To farm damage, hide behind an island or smoke then lob shells to any enemy within range. Flanking with the help of smokescreen is also good. With a good smokescreen usage, it can farm the enemy without getting shot in return. Smokescreen can also help conceal badly damaged allies so they can hide, retreat, and repair.

Unlike most British light cruisers, Edinburgh has decent armor (especially the deck armor). It’s also small, maneuverable, and has smokescreen. Edinburgh can be very annoying to deal with.

Edinburgh has great surface detectability, slightly inferior to Belfast. It also has good survivability that makes Edinburgh a very safe choice to capture bases and spot enemies. Other cruisers that have better stealth are usually more vulnerable. Unfortunately, it’s not good at shooting DDs because of low accuracy. Edinburgh has long range torpedoes, but only 3 per side so they’re useless. Edinburgh’s AA is good and it has smokescreen to protect teammates and itself. In a CV battle, always stay close to allied ships (especially BBs and CV) so you can react quickly and protect them from enemy planes. Edinburgh has slow speed, so positioning is important.

Even though smokescreen is the most popular consumable due to its flexibility, you can swap it long range radar or anti-air barrage. Radar can be useful for hunting DDs. Anti-air barrage, if used correctly, can help defend teammates from air attacks.

Edinburgh is a light cruiser that can cosplay as a destroyer if there are no enemy destroyer around. It offers great utility, team-oriented, but can also operate alone. While it has good ammunition, the lack of accuracy severely limits its damage output.

Is it worth to buy?

Edinburgh has similar playstyle to Belfast but safer and more flexible. Since it’s a low tier prism ship, you probably won’t use it that often. Most players in PVP plays in high tier. Edinburgh is more often used in arena, but even there it’s not meta. If you want to buy it, make sure you already experienced playing Belfast. Buy Belfast first (it’s cheap) and try it for at least 30 battles. If you enjoy using Belfast, you can consider buying Edinburgh.

Has MAP, fast reload, good AA, good armor, good concealment, small size, great maneuverability, has torpedoes, has fighter planes
Bad HE, bad accuracy, no AP, slow speed
Elite DC, elite repair (3 charges), 15 km radar (4 charges) / anti-air barrage (unlimited) / smokescreen (3 charges)
General playstyle
Kiting, flanking, lobbing shells from behind island
Spotter, site capturer, wide AA protection, ally smoke protection
Preferred enemy target
BB, plane

Recommended Build

Slot 1: adv. disaster retardant module
Slot 2: engine enhancement module
Slot 3: aiming system module
Slot 1: elite damage control
Slot 2: elite repair
Slot 3: elite smokescreen
Crew Skills (after basic skill)
Captain: artillery warning – boost morale- hull protection
Gun: crack gunner – ADA enhancement – burn the ship behind
Engine: noise reduction – quick shift – adv. quick shift
Damage control: buoyancy reserve – emergency flooding – extinguish
Torpedo: engine maintenance – excess charge – weak point attack

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