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Kitakami was a Kuma-class cruiser but converted to a torpedo cruiser with ten quadruple torpedo tube mounts for the 61 cm (24 in) Type 93 “Long Lance” torpedo. Kitakami’s torpedoes have the highest damage and flood chance in the game. The damage is so high it can sink any destroyer in just 1 torpedo hit and cripple battleships in one good salvo. Combined with large amount of torpedoes, Kitakami can make a monstrous torpedo wall to block a large area. However, it’s almost impossible to launch torpedoes without being detected due to bad concealment. This forces the Kitakami player to invest a lot of exp on crew skills and must launch torpedoes into enemies that are moving closer.

Kitakami has practically no armor that even HE can citadel it. However, this is also a merit because battleship AP tend to overpenetrate it when broadsiding. Kitakami is very slow for a cruiser and the concealment is terrible. It’s hard Kitakami to disengage when caught in open water. It does have small size and good maneuverability to help it dodge shells.

Aside from the torpedoes, Kitakami doesn’t have anything else as damage source. Kitakami has less guns than Kuma. It also doesn’t have AA capability. If the torpedoes are still reloading, Kitakami is worse than the MMweight 3.5 Kuma.


In order to use Kitakami, first you must build it sufficiently. For the crew skills, at least you need boost morale (Captain skill), noise reduction (Engine Officer skill), and engine maintenance (Chief Torpedoman skill). Without this, you’ll struggle to launch torpedoes. For Kitakami, torpedo is the primary armament.

At the start of the battle, sail to a flank. Always find an opportunity to fire your torpedoes. Launch the torpedoes between 10-12 km from the enemy, preferably towards a battleship that’s sailing towards you. If the enemy is clustered together, it’s even better. You can create a torpedo wall.

Alternate between tight spread and wide spread torpedo mode. Don’t launch all torpedoes to one direction. Make sure to spread it to the left or right of the aiming line. For example, the first two launches use tight spread mode and launched a bit to the left and right of the aiming line, then another two launches use wide spread farther to the sides of the tight spread torpedoes to create a net. Launch torpedoes from one side, then turn to launch torpedoes the other side. There’s no need to use guns.

Kitakami can be used to ambush an enemy. This move is very risky and requires more practice. Ideally, the enemy is bowtanking, not maneuvering, and is currently taking cover from behind an island. Use the same island to hide yourself as you move closer. Quietly approach the enemy that’s on the other side of the island. If possible, try to not get spotted. The plan is to torpedo the enemy at point blank range. There are two strategies:

  1. After you clear the island, drop your torpedoes to the enemy, turn around, then sail away. Immediately sail at full speed, turn your ship to the left and right to dodge shells. This strategy is less risky but the enemy has more time to dodge the torpedoes.
  2. The second strategy is to rush the enemy, while keeping your bow angled towards the enemy (remember, don’t point your bow directly ahead). Turn your ship to the left and right regularly to throw off the enemy’s aim. When the enemy is very close (less than 2 km), drop your torpedoes (preferably from the side of the enemy). This strategy has much higher success rate because the enemy can’t dodge your torpedoes. However, you might get sunk before you launched your torpedoes. It’s a high risk – high reward strategy.

In a battle without battleships, Kitakami can only suffer. It’s even worse if there’s a CV in play.

Is it worth to buy?

Kitakami’s playstyle revolves around its torpedoes. It needs a lot of investment and correct build. Aiming with torpedoes is much harder than guns so the player must have a lot of experience. Unlike a destroyer that has good stealth, Kitakami is much harder to use because it has terrible stealth. Since torpedo is an unreliable source of damage, Kitakami needs good teammates.

Kitakami is a prism ship. If you want to get it, you must spend money. It’s not worth to buy.

Has 40 torpedoes (20 each side) with very high damage. Good maneuverability, small size.
Very low HP, terrible armor, terrible AA, slow speed, bad concealment, terrible main guns (low range, low accuracy, low caliber, low damage), no planes
Elite DC, elite repair (3 charges), engine overload (4 charges)
General playstyle
Torpedo spread, ambushing.
Damage dealer, area denial
Preferred enemy target

Recommended Build

Slot 1: adv. disaster retardant module
Slot 2: engine enhancement module
Slot 3: cruiser aiming system module
Slot 1: elite damage control
Slot 2: elite repair
Slot 3: elite quick-load torpedo
Crew Skills (after basic skill)
Captain: boost morale – artillery warning – hull protection
Gun: crack gunner – high speed aiming – burn the ship behind
Engine: noise reduction – quick shift – adv. quick shift – steering master
Damage control: buoyancy reserve – emergency flooding – extinguish
Torpedo: engine maintenance – excess charge – weak point attack

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