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Maya was part of Takao-class cruisers . It was repeatedly modernized and upgraded throughout her career in order to counter the growing threat of air strikes. Maya in the game is in her final configuration with eight 203 mm guns in four twin turrets, more AA, and sixteen Long Lance torpedoes in four quadruple launchers.

Maya’s guns has good accuracy and fast shell velocity. Because it’s a heavy cruiser, it has sufficient penetration to fight battleships. However, due to having less guns, Maya’s main gun damage output is lower than Takao. Maya’s guns have the lowest DPM among heavy cruisers in its tier. Maya’s shell arc is flat, so it’s hard to lob shells from behind island.

Maya has very thin armor, thinner than Takao. Battleships can easily delete Maya from any angle. Maya has fast speed and low freeboard which increase its survivability. Still, firing is only safe at long range or when the enemy isn’t shooting at it. Maya’s maneuverability is lacking for a Japanese cruiser, but still decent compared to other nation’s cruisers.

Maya’s primary armament is actually the torpedoes. Maya has eight torpedoes on each side. Maya’s torpedoes have very long range and high damage. Maya also has torpedo quick load consumable. With good timing, Maya can block the entire flank with torpedo wall. It’s one of the few Japanese cruisers that can launch torpedoes forward. Another factor that makes Maya unique is excellent concealment. It’s one of the stealthiest cruiser in its tier. Because of this, in a battle without destroyer and CV, Maya often becomes the scout and base capturer (like a destroyer).


At the start of the battle, sail to a capture base, preferably at the flank. Look at the team list of the enemy while you’re sailing. If there is no enemy that can outspot you (i.e., destroyers, CV, Minotaur), you can capture the base and sail more forward to spot enemies. Don’t get yourself spotted before you capture the base. Remember, shooting will increase your detectability range so don’t do that unless you absolutely need to.

If there’s an enemy that can outspot you, don’t play too aggressively. Instead of directly going to the base, it’s better to turn around and reverse into the base instead. This way, if you suddenly get detected and shot, you can immediately sail away.

While you’re maneuvering wherever you go, always find an opportunity to fire your torpedoes. Ideally, you want to stay between 10-12 km from the enemy so your torpedoes can reach the enemy faster but you don’t get spotted. If the enemy is clustered together, you can create a torpedo wall. Launch torpedoes from one side, turn to launch torpedoes the other side, then use torpedo quick load consumable and launch the torpedoes again. If done correctly, Maya can launch 32 torpedoes within one minute.

Use tight spread torpedo mode and launch the torpedoes side by side. One or two salvos of wide spread torpedo can be used as a net to catch enemies that are maneuvering unpredictably, but should not be used all the time. Don’t launch all torpedoes to one direction. Make sure to spread it slightly to the left or right of the aiming line so the enemy has less room for maneuvering.

If an enemy is flooding after getting hit by your torpedoes, wait until he uses damage control. When he uses damage control, wait for 20 seconds then shoot HE to burn him. If possible, find a good island to hide while still being able to lob shells. Ideally, you want to be able to lob shells to the enemy but the enemy can’t see or shoot you back. If you’re getting shot, just move closer to the island to hide or run away. Finding a suitable island can be hard because of its flat shell arc. If there’s no good island, it’s often safer to not shoot and let your teammates finish the enemy instead. Only shoot if you have good speed juke skills.

Maya can be used to ambush an enemy. This move is very risky and requires more practice. Ideally, the enemy is bowtanking, not maneuvering, and is currently taking cover from behind an island. Use the same island to hide yourself as you move closer. Quietly approach the enemy that’s on the other side of the island. If possible, try to not get spotted. The plan is to torpedo the enemy at point blank range. There are two strategies:

  1. After you clear the island, drop your torpedoes to the enemy, turn around, then sail away. Immediately sail at full speed, turn your ship to the left and right to dodge shells. This strategy is less risky but the enemy has more time to dodge the torpedoes.
  2. The second strategy is to rush the enemy, while keeping your bow angled towards the enemy (remember, don’t point your bow directly ahead). Turn your ship to the left and right regularly to throw off the enemy’s aim. When the enemy is very close (less than 2 km), drop your torpedoes (preferably from the side of the enemy). This strategy has much higher success rate because the enemy can’t dodge your torpedoes. However, you might get sunk before you launched your torpedoes. It’s a high risk – high reward strategy.

In a DD battle, Maya can’t play too aggressively. However, it’s a great support to help ally DD due to having good concealment. To do this, you must have artillery warning crew skill at least. Sail to the same area as your DD and if possible find an island that can shield you from enemy battleship. Let the DD spot the enemy and capture the base while you stay a bit behind to not get spotted. Load HE ammunition. If the enemy DD is spotted, shoot at it. Maya’s high accuracy and high velocity guns are deadly against DDs especially within 11 km range. Always beware of enemy battleship when you’re shooting. If you’re getting shot (the artillery warning skill will warn you), immediately change your speed and direction. Speed juke to dodge shells. If the enemy DD is retreating and you can’t hit it anymore, reposition yourself and follow your DD. If all enemy DDs have been sunk and your ally DD is alive, your team is almost guaranteed to win.

In a CV battle, always stay close to allied ships (especially BBs and CV) so you can protect each other with overlapping AA. Don’t shoot unless absolutely needed. If you’re spotted, immediately angle away. Launch torpedoes from a safe range. No need to rush the enemy.

Is it worth to buy?

In a team battle, Maya has a similar role to a destroyer. Maya can capture base and spot enemies while torpedoing them. However, the bad armor makes it very risky to be played by inexperienced players especially in PVP. It also doesn’t have strong firepower so it can’t carry stupid teammates.

Maya is a prism ship. If you want to get it, you must spend money. It’s not worth to buy.

High velocity and accurate guns, fast speed, great concealment, low freeboard, great torpedoes, has fighter planes
Slow turret traverse speed, bad armor, bad AA, worse maneuverability than other Japanese cruisers (though still better than non-Japanese cruisers)
Elite DC, elite repair (3 charges), anti-air barrage (unlimited) / quick load torpedo (4 charges)
General playstyle
Sniping, torpedo spread, ambushing.
Spotter, site capturer, area denial
Preferred enemy target
Cruiser, BB, DD

Recommended Build

Slot 1: adv. disaster retardant module
Slot 2: engine enhancement module
Slot 3: cruiser aiming system module
Slot 1: elite damage control
Slot 2: elite repair
Slot 3: elite quick-load torpedo
Crew Skills (after basic skill)
Captain: artillery warning – boost morale- hull protection
Gun: crack gunner – high speed aiming – burn the ship behind
Engine: noise reduction – quick shift – adv. quick shift – steering master
Damage control: buoyancy reserve – emergency flooding – extinguish
Torpedo: engine maintenance – excess charge – weak point attack

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