


Obtain Method
Tech Tree

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Oyodo is one of the only 2 cruisers in the game that has torpedoplanes to attack enemies. Since the guns are only 155 mm in two triple turrets, Oyodo’s main damage source is actually its planes. Oyodo’s planes are effective against most tier IV battleships and destroyers. Cruisers usually have anti-air barrage consumable that reduces the torpedo strike accuracy. Oyodo only has 8 planes total, 4 per squadron, so the player must choose the target carefully. It’s recommended to equip the aircraft defense module in the third equipment slot so the planes can live longer. Once the planes are gone, its firepower becomes as bad as a tier III cruiser because it only has 6 small caliber guns at the front that breaks easily.

Oyodo has bad armor, but compensated by small size, good maneuverability, and fast speed making it quite hard to hit. Not to mention that Oyodo can attack from complete safety anyway.


At the start of the battle, launch your torpedoplanes. Don’t sail too forward. Don’t get yourself spotted. See the team list of the enemy team. When the enemies are spotted, observe their position. Your primary targets are battleships that sail alone, ships with bad AA, and destroyers. If you find a suitable target, click “attack” on your aircraft control panel. Observe where your planes going.

If your planes are flying into a cluster of several ships or being attacked by enemy fighter planes, you might lose them. To avoid that, click “escort” to recall your planes to your ship. The “escort” command doesn’t make your planes return to the ship. It will just make the planes fly in circles around your ship. Choose another target that has less protection.

If your planes are already flying to an enemy with low aircraft protection, you can let them attack the enemy. After your planes drop torpedoes, they will return to your ship and reload for about a minute. You can use seaplane quick servicing consumable to cut off the reload time by 45 seconds so you can launch them again faster.

To maximize your effectiveness, try to attack a target that’s also being attacked by your teammates. That way, the target is not going to pay attention to your planes. Even better if the target is already damaged by gunfire because there’s a high chance some of its AA is already destroyed. If possible, sail in the same area as your ally destroyer. If the enemy destroyer is spotted, you must support him with your guns and planes.

In a CV battle, always stay close to allied ships (especially BBs and CV) so you can protect each other with overlapping AA. Observe where your CV’s planes are moving. Attack a target that’s also being attacked by ally CV. This will ensure that the target’s AA protection is less effective and he gets devastated.

Is it worth to buy?

Oyodo is a fun cruiser that allows you to play like a CV. However, since the planes are the only reliable source of damage, Oyodo’s damage output is very limited. Oyodo doesn’t have enough DPM to sink an enemy quickly. Cruisers and battleships with good AA can counter it hard. If all of its planes are destroyed, Oyodo is practically useless in battle.

Oyodo is a tech tree ship. If you want to get it, you just have to grind it. No need to spend money. It’s worth to grind if you have patience for its slow playstyle.

Fast speed, good maneuverability, small size, has torpedoplanes.
Bad guns, bad armor, bad concealment, bad AA
Elite DC, elite repair (3 charges), anti-air barrage (unlimited) / seaplane quick servicing (4 charges)
General playstyle
Torpedoplane attack
Spotter, damage dealer
Preferred enemy target

Recommended Build

Slot 1: adv. disaster retardant module
Slot 2: engine enhancement module
Slot 3: aircraft defense enhancement module
Slot 1: elite damage control
Slot 2: elite repair
Slot 3: elite seaplane quick servicing
Crew Skills (after basic skill)
Captain: artillery warning – boost morale- hull protection
Gun: crack gunner – ADA enhancement – burn the ship behind
Engine: quick shift – adv. quick shift – steering master
Damage control: buoyancy reserve – emergency flooding – extinguish

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