
Soviet Union (USSR)



Obtain Method
Rank Point

Arena rating

PVP rating

Pr66 is the only Soviet heavy cruiser in this game. It has 3×3 220 mm guns with very high shell velocity and low air drag. This effectively makes its shells the fastest among all cruisers. Pr66 has very long range, comparable to battlecruisers. Pr66 has decent reload and excellent accuracy. Pr66’s firepower is great at any range. It can even compete with battleships. However, as the result of having fast shell velocity, it has flat shell arc. It’s hard to lob shells from behind island.

Pr66 has the strongest bow in the game, comparable to Montana (a top tier battleship). It can bowtank even Super Yamato‘s 510 mm shells. However, the side and stern armor are not good. It can easily be citadeled if the player doesn’t bowtank. Also, battleships can just aim at the superstructure to deal huge damage. The armor is quite resistant to cruiser HE shells, but battleship HE shells can easily penetrate it. Pr66 is very big for a cruiser, which makes it very easy to hit. This also makes its maneuverability and concealment poor. Choosing a good position is extremely important for this ship, because it’s hard to change position once it’s stuck. Fortunately, it has fast speed so it can find a good position before engaging the enemy.

Pr66 can tank a lot of damage from the front. But if your teammates leave you alone at the front, Pr66 will be focused to death without being able to disengage. You also must be careful of DDs. They can easily torpedo Pr66. If there are DDs present in the battle, it’s better to snipe than push. Pr66 can snipe comfortably, but you have to be cautious for incoming attacks because it has big size and bad maneuverability.


There are two ways to play Pr66. The first playstyle is aggressive. At the start of the battle, find a big island to hide. Make sure that the island allows you to shoot at the enemy in front but you won’t get shot from the side. Sail to that island. Don’t rush. Sail at the same distance as your battleships so you don’t get spotted first. When you’re already close to that island, turn then sail towards it. Stay behind the island and bowtank the enemy. That island is your lifeline. In case you’re getting a lot of damage, just reverse and hide behind that island. You don’t have to use your third gun.

Aggressive gameplay is better if there are not many enemies, especially destroyers and torpedo cruisers. But if there are plenty of torpedo threats, it’s better to play as a sniper. At the start of the battle, sail to a flank. Stay a bit behind so you don’t get spotted first. If the enemy is spotted, let your battleships shoot the enemy first so they become the main tank. You sail in open water, keep your distance >15 km away from enemy battleship, use kiting position, and speed juke to dodge shells.

You can try this simple speed juke tactic: sail at 1/4 speed when the enemy isn’t shooting, accelerate to full speed when the enemy shoots at you, reverse if the enemy shoots in front of your ship. Turn your ship to increase its effectiveness. If you can’t evade enemy’s shells, try to make them hit your angled belt armor. Don’t show broadside. Always keep your ship angled. This playstyle requires a lot of skill and a proper ship build.

To maximize your effectiveness, try to create a crossfire with your teammates. If your teammate is tanking, you sail to the side of the enemy ship and shoot at their broadside.

Shoot AP against broadsiding cruiser, battleship or CV. Aim at the waterline if the enemy is a cruiser or CV. Aim at the upper belt or superstructure if the enemy is a battleship. Shoot HE if the enemy is angling or is a destroyer.

In a CV battle, always stay close to allied ships (especially BBs and CV) so you can protect each other. You have long range and fast shell velocity, so you don’t need to get close to the enemy anyway. Use the sniping playstyle.

Is it worth to buy?

Pr66 is a strong cruiser, capable of sniping and tanking if needed. The strong bow armor is really helpful in a team battle, allowing you to play more aggressively and gain map control.

Pr66 is a rank point ship. Rank point is a reward from ranking up in arena. Rank point sometimes is sold in limited number in the shop. Rank point is a rare currency. Pr66 is the best rank point cruiser.

High velocity and accurate guns, long range, good backward firing angle, amazing bow armor, good speed, large HP, has helicopter
Bad concealment, bad maneuverability, bad AA, big size, bad side and stern armor, easy to get burned
Elite DC, elite repair (3 charges), anti-air barrage (unlimited)
General playstyle
Bowtank with island cover, pushing, sniping
Damage dealer, offtank
Preferred enemy target
Cruiser, BB, DD

Recommended Build

Slot 1: adv. disaster retardant module
Slot 2: engine enhancement module
Slot 3: cruiser aiming system module
Slot 1: elite damage control
Slot 2: elite repair
Slot 3: elite anti-air barrage
Crew Skills (after basic skill)
Captain: artillery warning – boost morale- hull protection
Gun: crack gunner – ADA enhancement – burn the ship behind
Engine: quick shift – adv. quick shift – steering master – noise reduction
Damage control: buoyancy reserve – emergency flooding – extinguish

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