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Tiger C20 is a post World War 2 design. It has very small hull and 2×2 Minotaur guns. Tiger is a light cruiser meant for AA defense. The gun performance is very low even against broadsiding cruisers. It has fast reload, but because of bad accuracy and only 4 shells per salvo, the damage output is very low. Tiger’s guns are only usable against completely broadsiding targets at short to medium range. Even then, other light cruisers can inflict higher damage. Unlike other British cruisers, Tiger C20 doesn’t have torpedoes so it’s hopeless when the enemy is chasing it.

Tiger has very thin armor. Any damage it receives hurts it more than other ships. However, Tiger has small size and good maneuverability. This makes dodging shells easier. Small size also makes its concealment very good. It also has smokescreen consumable to protect itself.

Tiger’s main selling point is AA. It has the strongest AA in its tier. However, that AA won’t be enough to prevent a CV from deleting it. Keep in mind that MMweight 7.0 CV is perfectly capable of deleting MMweight 8.0 ships with better AA. Tiger simply has no chance, unless the enemy is a lower tier CV or a noob. Well if the enemy is a noob, any ship could be strong isn’t it?


Most of the time, Tiger is just used as a scout. Go to a capture base and spot enemies. Don’t shoot when you’re capturing a base. Don’t use smokescreen unless you’re detected. Smokescreen can conceal yourself but also makes your team lose the spotting that you provided. If the enemy is moving closer to you, retreat. If there is no base no be captured, find an island to hide, ideally at the flank. Lob shells from behind that island to broadsiding enemies. Use AP all the time. In a CV battle, move together with your teammates so you can cover them with your AA. Use your smokescreen to conceal your allies if needed. Your damage output will be low but at least you can be useful.

Is it worth to buy?

In battle, Tiger has the lowest performance among all cruisers in its tier. It’s almost incapable of doing anything by itself and must rely on good allies (which is not something you should expect from random players especially at low tier). Tiger can be used in CV battles, but it can only play defensively and hope the enemy CV is stupid.

Tiger is a gem ship. It’s cheap, doesn’t take a lot of time to grind, and certainly no money is required. Still, considering its terrible performance, buying Tiger is not worth.

Fast reload, good AA, good concealment, small size, great maneuverability
Only 4 guns with bad damage, bad range, and bad accuracy. Bad armor. Slow speed. No planes.
Elite DC, super repair (2 charges), smokescreen (3 charges) / anti-air barrage (unlimited)
General playstyle
Flanking, lobbing shells from behind island
Spotter, site capturer, AA protection, ally smoke protection
Preferred enemy target

Recommended Build

Slot 1: adv. disaster retardant module
Slot 2: engine enhancement module
Slot 3: aiming system module
Slot 1: elite damage control
Slot 2: super repair
Slot 3: elite smokescreen
Crew Skills (after basic skill)
Captain: artillery warning – boost morale- hull protection
Gun: ADA enhancement – crack gunner – burn the ship behind
Engine: noise reduction – quick shift – adv. quick shift
Damage control: buoyancy reserve – emergency flooding – extinguish

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