Good position is the primary component of a victorious battle.

Good position will break the enemy formation and expose their vulnerable parts, allowing your team to deal a lot of damage without taking too much damage in return. Good position also makes capturing and defending key areas easier, making your team win on points faster. All players should learn how to improve their position and avoid positional mistakes.


What is Capture Base?

In the battle map there are colored circles, with red cones as its border. The circle is called base (a.k.a. capture site/capture area). To capture a base, you must have at least one ally ship inside that circle and hold that position until the capture progress is finished. If the ally ship is getting hit by the enemy while in the process of capturing, the progress will be delayed. If an enemy ship enters that circle, the progress will be paused. If the ally that is capturing the base leaves the circle or got sunk, the progress will be stopped and reverted.

Base that has been captured by allies will become green colored. Base that has been captured by enemies will become red colored. One captured base will generate around 5 points every several seconds. Base that has not been captured or is still in the process of capturing will not generate points.

Types of Capture Bases


In the regular battle, there are 2 capture bases at the spawn position of each team. Both bases are already in possession of each team and will generate points unless an ally ship enters the base controlled by the enemy team (and vice versa). The objective is to enter the enemy’s base to stop their point income or capture it. If the enemy’s base is captured, the ally team’s point will become 1000 instantly and the game is over.


In the domination battle, there are 1, 2, 3, or 4 unoccupied bases. The objective is to capture as many bases as possible and prevent the enemy from taking them. Capturing more bases than the enemy will give a lot of points advantage over time.


This diagram is showing each ship type’s relative position to other ships in the span between capture base and map border. Keep in mind that this diagram is just for illustration. Depending on the situation, each ship may need to change position or rotate.

  1. Destroyer should be at the front and lead the team. Destroyer can spot enemies and capture base, both are vital for the team. After capturing a base, the destroyer is recommended to move to another base.
  2. Behind destroyer is stealthy cruiser. Stealthy cruiser will follow and support the destroyer in fighting enemy destroyer. The stealthy cruiser must use concealment (such as smokescreen or island) or retreat if it gets too much attention from the enemy ships. Stealthy cruiser player must be extremely careful before shooting.
  3. Behind stealthy cruiser are tank battleship, medium-range battleship, and offtank cruiser. They absorb damage from the enemy and allow the damage dealers at the back to shoot at the enemies safely. The tanking role must be switched regularly if the lead tank is under heavy attack. The tank must not overextend so it can retreat anytime.
  4. Behind the tanks are damage dealers. They can deal a lot of damage if undisturbed. That being said, some snipers can also move forward and tank for a short time. Staying too far back or sailing on the map border should be avoided. You will miss most of your shots and you can’t help your team when they need it. If you’re using a CV, stay behind your teammates and do not get detected (run away if you’re being detected).

Differentiating between types of ships may be difficult for beginners. I suggest read Battleship Reviews, Cruisers Reviews, and Ship Type, Role, and Playstyle to find out what type of ship that you’re using and how to play it.

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