Global Arena

Beginner’s Guide

Introduction to Global Arena

Global Arena is the ranked battle of Naval Creed. Compared to regular PVP, arena gives more variety of rewards, including rank point. Rank point is a valuable currency that can be used to purchase special ships.

Choosing the server

The most populated server by the time this article was written is China server. Choose China server before you enter arena. The location doesn’t matter.

China server only allows 7 vs 7 match, so it will still take some time before getting a match. The most optimal time (peak hour) to play arena is between 19.00 – 24.00 GMT+8 (convert this to your time zone in because that’s when the player population is the highest.

If you want to play in another server, find 5 other players to enter the match at the same time as you. Other servers allow 3 vs 3 match. However, nobody plays there so you must bring your friends to play together.

Entering the queue

When you enter the arena, you must choose which ship type you want to use (aircraft carrier, battleship, cruiser, or destroyer). You can choose more than one ship type. In battle you can only use one ship, obviously. But by choosing more than one ship type you can get matched faster.

It’s important to only choose the ship type that you’re good at. For example, if you’re not good at using destroyers, do not choose it. Another rule is make sure you already have two top tier ships of a particular type before you choose that type. For example, if you only have Super Yamato as the high tier battleship, do not choose battleship. This is because of the ban system (described below). If the ship that you have is banned, you’ll be forced to pick a rental ship which is usually bad.

After you pick the ship type, you’ll enter the matching queue. If you play during the peak hour (described above), usually the waiting time is 2-4 minutes. When you get matched, your phone will vibrate as a notification. Click Ready to enter the match. After every player clicked Ready, you’ll be automatically transferred to the ship ban window. If the waiting time exceeds 5 minutes, maybe there’s something wrong. It’s better to cancel and reenter the match or pick another time to play.

Banning ships

Banned ships can’t be played. It’s a unique system that’s usually used to ban overly strong, overly weak, or annoying ships. Ship ban system is only available to the highest ranked players (leaders) of both teams. The other players can’t click anything. Just wait until both leaders have chosen a ship to ban. After that, you’ll automatically be transferred to ship selection window.

Choosing and configuring your ship

Ship selection window. Pick one ship then click Ready.

For beginners, the choice is simple. Just pick a ship that you can use well. If you’re not sure, just follow the meta (French battleships, American heavy cruiser, American destroyer, American aircraft carrier). The system will only display ships from one of the ship types that you chose. Banned ships are not displayed so you can’t choose them.

After you choose a ship, you’ll need to configure it. Choose the ship module, equipment, consumable, and crew skill set that you want. There’s no need to buy anything here. All equipment and elite consumables are given for free. For beginners and low ranked players, only a few crew skills can be used at most. However, it’s better to set up some crew skills beforehand. Read more about setting up crew skills for arena in Crew Management.

Select consumables based on what you’ll likely need in battle.
Select equipment based on your playstyle and your ship’s ability.
Select crew skill set. Crews from other ships of the same nation and class can be used as long as they’re already set up.

After a certain time has passed, the battle starts automatically. Make sure you already finished configuring your ship before the timer ends.

Good luck.

Related articles:

Battleship Reviews | Cruiser Reviews

Ship Equipment | Ship Consumables | Crew Skills | Crew Management

Recommended Battleship Build | Recommended Cruiser Build


Global Arena is not recommended for new players. If you play poorly, you will make your team suffer. Losing in arena will make the entire team lose points. Your contribution is crucial.

It’s recommended to play at least 1000 battles in regular PVP and have at least two top tier ships before you try the arena. This is to ensure you have some experience in fighting and won’t die too quickly.

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