Ships usually have two kinds of consumable: basic and elite. You must always pick the elite consumable. In some ships you can also find the advanced consumable. Advanced consumable have more perks so it’s usually better than elite, but some advanced consumables has longer cooldown duration. You must decide by yourself whether the longer cooldown justifies the added perks, because it comes down to your own playstyle. In this article we will guide you through each consumable so you can understand how they work and can pick which consumable that suits you. Remember to click “Auto Supply” beside your consumables so you don’t have to buy consumables every time you’re going to battle.

Do you want to see our recommended equipment and consumables for your ship? In that case, read these articles:

Damage control

Instantly fixes fire, flood, broken engine, broken steering gears, and partially broken main guns. Cannot fix permanently broken main guns, secondary guns, and AA guns. IJN battleships have very short duration of damage control (which makes them vulnerable to focused fire). Meanwhile, German battleships have the longest duration and the shortest cooldown. Some ships have advanced damage control which also gives 30% damage taken reduction during the duration, but with longer cooldown. The longer cooldown usually makes advanced damage control consumable not worth to pick over the elite damage control. Unfortunately, in arena, advanced damage control is the default consumable (you can’t pick elite damage control).


Recovers HP every several seconds. British battleships and cruisers have more repair potential than others, which means in just one repair they can recover more HP than other ships. However, British battleships and light cruisers have less repair use times than other ships. Most German battleships (except Tirpitz), Illinois, and Charlemagne has very short repair cooldown. Charlemagne has 6 repair use times, the highest in the game, but in exchange it doesn’t have damage control.

Anti-air barrage/centralized anti-air firepower

It increases anti-aircraft gun damage and reduces the accuracy of plane attack within the ship’s anti-aircraft gun radius. Some ships have limited use time, while some others (for example US light cruisers) have unlimited use time. This consumable typically has short duration (~30 seconds) and long cooldown (~120 seconds), so you must pick the right time to activate it. You also must remember the range of your AA guns. Activating this consumable when the enemy planes are still out of range is a big waste. Generally, it’s good to activate this consumable when enemy planes are within 4 km and moving towards you.

Engine overload

It increases the maximum speed for some time. This consumable is common among destroyers, but some cruisers and battleships (i.e., French ships) also have it. The speed increase is percentage-based. The value, duration, and cooldown are different for each ship. Overall, French ships have the most effective engine overload consumable.

Quick load battery/Main gun fast reloading

A consumable exclusive to some French battleships. When activated, it instantly reduces the main battery reload time by 10 seconds. For example, if your ship has 24 seconds reload, after you click this button the reload becomes 14 seconds. Combined with burn the ship behind crew skill, it can give a massive damage burst over a short period.

Quick load torpedo

There are 2 versions of this consumable. The most common version (found on some DDs and cruisers) instantly reloads all torpedo when activated. The second version (found on Algerie) shortens the torpedo reload by 45 seconds.


This consumable is found on most DDs and British cruisers. Smokescreen can be used to cover your ship and your allies. Each ship line has different smoke characteristics. For example, British heavy cruisers’ smokescreen is small and only 4 puffs while the British light cruisers’ smokescreen is larger and longer. There’s no way to know the full characteristic of the smokescreen just by reading the description, so you must use it in battle to observe. Generally, when the smoke timer reaches 80 seconds the smoke will disappear. Make sure you already plan your escape before your smoke expires.

You can’t spot enemy ships and torpedoes from inside smokescreen unless they’re already very close. Choose the timing wisely and make sure you have a teammate to spot for you. If you’re the one who spot targets for your team, using smokescreen might make your team blind. Also remember that you can still be detected by radar and underwater search consumable inside the smokescreen.


A consumable available to US light cruisers, Tchoung King, Missouri, and some other premium ships. It shows static silhouette of unseen ships inside the radar range every several seconds. It doesn’t show the ship itself and you can’t lock on it. It only gives the rough indicator of where the enemy ship is at that point of time. If the enemy ship moves, the new silhouette will appear in a different position. The accuracy, range, duration, and cooldown of each ship’s radar are different. Unlike in WOWS, radar in NCW is not very useful.

A consumable available to most German ships. It lets you detect torpedoes from much further range (regardless of the torpedo’s detection value) and ships within a smoke. Unlike radar, ships detected with underwater search can be seen and locked on.

AA evasion

A consumable exclusive to Missouri and Laffey. Instead of increasing anti-aircraft gun damage, this consumable actually works by significantly reducing the accuracy of main battery and plane attack aimed at the ship. This consumable gives partial safety when your ship needs to run away.

There’s a method to overcome this consumable if you see your enemy is using one. Click the “clear target” button before you shoot. This button gets rid of lock-on aiming so you have to aim manually, but if your aim is good you can retain your accuracy when shooting at the enemy. Click “switch” button if you want to return to the normal lock-on aiming mode.

Seaplane quick servicing

This consumable is found on some ships that have planes (like Oyodo, Yamato Refit, and Ibuki). It cuts off the plane preparation time by 45 seconds, allowing you to launch the next squadron faster. For Oyodo, this consumable is a must pick. For Ibuki, you must avoid this consumable because it’s useless.

Emergency damage control

This consumable is only found in Warspite. When activated, it instantly triggers the damage control consumable (whether it’s on cooldown or not). After the damage control duration ends, its cooldown is reset. The emergency damage control consumable can be used anytime you want (because it has no cooldown), but it can only be used twice. As the name suggests, this should only be used in emergency cases (for example you’re flooding when your damage control is on cooldown).

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